Variational Auto encoder on MNIST

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Variational Auto encoder

This post implements a variational auto-encoder for the handwritten digits of MNIST. The variational auto-encoder can be regarded as the Bayesian extension of the normal auto-encoder.

An auto-encoder learns the identity function. It learns a function that returns itself. To ensure a compact encoding of the data, the network typically contains a bottleneck. For a neural network, a layer of only a few neurons serves as the bottle neck. This way, the auto-encoder is an unsupervised technique.

The variational auto-encoder has two advantages over a normal auto-encoder

Bottle neck

_The auto-encoder learns the identity function and we constrain that with a bottleneck. _ How can we interpret this statement in a Bayesian approach? For our neural network, the bottleneck can be a layer as compact as only two hidden neurons. Two hidden neurons capture a compact representation of the data sample. In a Bayesian setting, this bottleneck transfers information from encoding network to the decoding network.

The two neurons form a deterministic vector in a 2 dimensional space. Imagine that this vector is the result of a probability distribution in that space. This 2D space contains a latent representation of the data. Now we can train the network by minimizing the KL-divergence between the encoded representation and the assumed distribution of the latent space. For simplicity, we assume this distribution is unit Gaussian, that results in an analytical solution.

The cost function is this regularizing term, the KL divergence, and the likelihood of the data. MNIST images are valued between 0 and 1. That allows us to model the likelihood with a Bernoulli distribution. Under the Bernoulli distribution, our data has a certain likelihood. That likelihood we want to optimize. Conversely, we want to minimize the negative likelihood.

Experiments and results

We make the assumptions in the latent space ourselves. So we can pick any size of the latent space. If we pick a two dimensional, we can visualize what is happening.

At first, we visualize how the actual data is located in the latent space. The variational auto-encoder is an unsupervised technique, but we can use the labels to color the visualization of the latent space. For MNIST, an example is the following figure Scatter_MNIST_VAE_2d The different digits cluster nicely together in the latent space. Apparently, the auto-encoder learned some underlying structure of the data. Note that the networks consist only of perceptrons. No convolutions are used.

Another way to visualize is to actually sample from the latent space. If we sample systematically from the latent space, we can understand its structure. The following canvas follows from samples at a uniform mesh in the latent space canvas_MNIST_VAE_2d In the first visualization, we observed how true data clusters in the latent space. Now we observe the structure of samples from the latent space. The samples smoothly transition from numbers like 1 and 7, with a large central stroke, to numbers like 0, 6 and 5 with more curvature.


This variational auto-encoder is just a start in the world of unsupervised generative algorithms. Models like Generative Adversarial networks omit the Bayesian part and train a competing encoding and decoding-like network. The current model itself might be extended to convolutional auto-encoders.

As always, I am curious to any comments and questions. Reach me at